Items listed below have been or will be purchased using the funds provided by the grant. The images associated with the listed items may not accurately reflect the exact item purchased and are merely for illustrative purposes. The listed prices reflect what was requested from the grantor. Please note that the listed prices do not include shipping, tax, or the amount that AEMF is responsible for.
Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas Mini Grant 2024

Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas
The Blue & You Foundation is a recognized leader in improving the health of all Arkansans, through philanthropic giving and collaborative partnerships. Established in 2001, and wholly funded by Arkansas Blue Cross, the Foundation is evidence of the company’s intention to provide caring solutions to the healthcare needs of all Arkansans and advances the enterprise’s commitment to corporate citizenship and the public good.
Arkansas Emergency Medical Foundation received a “Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas” grant of $2000 to purchase supplies for clinical management as described below.
Grant Project Progress
Awarded May 2022100%
Grant Purchase

ZOLL AED Plus Trainer 2
Qty: 1
ZOLL AED Plus Trainer Electrode Sets
Qty: 2
AHA Family & Friends CPR Student Manuals
Qty: 260
CAT Tourniquets
Qty: 30