Arkansas Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities



Arkansas Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities

The Arkansas Humanities Council is a nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Through the humanities, we remember our history and envision our future. Reading, writing, storytelling, research, and many forms of public dialogue and conversation are central to the humanities and the core of what we do at the Arkansas Humanities Council.


EMS in Arkansas from Saving Lives to Saving History will be a two-part exhibit at the Arkansas State Capitol and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences opening May 22, 2024, during National EMS Week. It will highlight key events and milestones in the field of Emergency Medical Services in Arkansas.

Grant Project Progress

Awarded January 202350%

See display imagesBelow


Anticipated Visitors

PART 1: Arkansas State Capital Showcase

Image Provided by the Arkansas Secretary of States Office

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