Arkansas Emergency Medical Founation
The Arkasnas Emergency Medical Foundation (AEMF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supporting MEMS, its employees & families by providing life-saving equipment & resources to enhance pre-hospital care in Arkansas.
The foundation and MEMS share a close partnership to ensure that MEMS personnel have access to essential life-saving equipment. Together, we strive to achieve the common objective of enhancing the quality of life in the communities they serve by providing necessary resources and support.
The foundation and MEMS share a close partnership to ensure that MEMS personnel have access to essential life-saving equipment. Together, we strive to achieve the common objective of enhancing the quality of life in the communities they serve by providing necessary resources and support.
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AEMF Awards Four with Scholarships
Media Contact Aaron Gilkey aaron.gilkey@metroems.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Arkansas Emergency...
AEMF Supports ARLEAP with $4,000 Donation.
Media Contact Aaron Gilkey aaron.gilkey@metroems.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Arkansas Emergency...